johannes obermaier is a director of photography for cinema, streaming and tv productions. primarily feature documentaries and series, narrative and hybrid movies as well as commercials.

after graduating from film university babelsberg - former HFF konrad wolf - in 2013 with cinematography diploma degree he got involved in award-winning movies and series as dop and worked on 6 continents.

In 2024 he received a nomination for the prestigious german camera award for his cinematography on »disney’s farm rebellion«. In the same year the cinema feature »checker tobi and the journey to the flying rivers« got a nomination for the renowned german film awards, also known as lola.

johannes is a member of the german society of cinematographers (bvk).

Johannes Obermaier

shooting in new york city with 1st ac georg lanz / photo by 2nd ac carmen chow

shooting in uganda / photo by georg lanz

shooting in vietnam / photo by carmen chow

photo by anna ihlein

shooting in brazil / photo by tobias krell

photo by anna ihlein

shooting in brazil / photo by tobias krell

photo by hans-florian hopfner

shooting in vietnam with my 1st ac georg lanz / photo by carmen chow


Nominierung 2024



2024 deutscher kamerapreis - doc screen (nominated) - farm rebellion

2024 deutscher filmpreis - best children’s movie (nominated) - checker tobi und die reise zu den fliegenden flüssen

2024 bayerischer filmpreis - family entertainment (won) - checker tobi und die reise zu den fliegenden flüssen

2024 deutscher fernsehpreis - best entertainment (nominated) - kaulitz & kaulitz

2023 national geographic award - green impact of the year (won) - farm rebellion

2023 gilde film award - best children’s movie (won) - checker tobi und die reise zu den fliegenden flüssen

2023 zurich film festival - audience award (won) - checker tobi und die reise zu den fliegenden flüssen

2023 cannes corporate media & tv award (won) - igm / ein film aus glas

2023 blm sustainability award (official selection) - farm rebellion

2020 daff award - best tv entertainment (official selection) - wetten, das war’s..?

2019 queen palm film festival - best cinematography (won) - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 7th indian cine film festival - best cinematography (won) - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 most viewed documentary in german cinemas 2019 - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 goethe institut science film festival jury award (won) - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 kinderfilmfest hof - audience award (won) - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 queen palm film festival usa - best feature (won) - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 cinemare meeresfilmfestival kiel - kuratorenpreis (won) - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 30th kinofest lünen - kinderfilmpreis rakete (won) - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 5th san jose international film awards - best documentary feature (won) - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 max ophüls preis - official selection - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 international nature film festival gödöllö - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 grimme prize (won) - docupy ungleichland (participation)

2019 london international motion picture awards - official selection - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 sunback film festival kansas USA - official selection - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 swr doku festival - official selection - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2019 naturvision filmfestival - special mention - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2018 prädikat "besonders wertvoll" - checker tobi und das geheimnis unseres planeten

2017 grimme prize (won) - artem demenok’s schatten des krieges (participation)

2015 rusdocfilmfest new york city laurus award - best documentary (competition) - surkow

2015 artdocfest international film festival moscow - official selection - maja turowskaja

2014 max ophüls preis - official selection - totale stille

2014 achtung berlin - official selection - totale stille

2013 international film festival of muslim cinema kazan - official selection - the dungans

2012 verband dt. filmhochschulen (won) - erste klappe

2006 oberstdorf filmgipfel (won) - food4u

2004 fifa talente festival (won) - food4u

© 2024 johannes obermaier bvk

© 2024 johannes obermaier bvk